Running, Weight Loss and Heists

Harry Vowell
4 min readAug 25, 2021

“Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts” — Arnold Bennett

Jabb rocking the Mae Khanin Cross Country Trails 2020–21km : Photo credits Pitchakorn Kumuang

It’s often said amongst friends that “Basecamp (Trail Provision & Cafe) is not a place, it’s the people”. One of our latest team members, trail runner and a positive soul, let’s get to know Basecamp’s Barista Jabb Pitchakorn Kumuang a little more.

What do you like most about coffee?

Compared to my fellow baristas I am relatively new to coffee and am still finding out what I like best about it. However, once thing is for certain, I love the coffee community here at Basecamp Cafe. I love that I can mingle, chill out and talk to other trail runners before or after a run. I can even talk to them while on the job 😂

What is your favorite coffee drink?

As I’m not a “hardcore” coffee drinker, so I like to cut my coffee with a little something. For me that little something is coco, which makes my favourite espresso based drink, both iced or hot a “mocha”.

Jabb chilling and enjoying a coffee after hitting the trails : Photo credits Pitchakorn Kumuang

Can you tell us a little about how you got into trail running?

About 3–4 years ago I volunteered to help out at an aide station at the Pang Yaeng Trail 2018 trail running event. The whole trail running scene, the variety of runners, the various (insane) distances were all very new to me and why people would want to run these long distances triggered my interest in the sport.

There was however one particular runner that inspired me more than anything else to start trail running. At the time I was about 22 and weighed over 90kgs and was struggling to run even a kilometer. I remember seeing this older 166km runner arrive at the aide station, for a brief refill before heading back out on the trail, and for his age he looked super athletic and ripped, and he must have been 30 or 40 (interviewer sits quietly typing away resisting the urge to lecture Jabb on how 40 is not old). I thought to myself at that moment “If he can do it, I can do it!”

From training alone, road running one kilometer at a time, I gradually increased the distance and I also started making new friends who were into trail running. As you tend to spend more time on the trails, in comparison to pounding tarmac, I also started to loose weight rather quickly. Even though at times I felt tired, and putting on my running shoes were a true challenge, the benefits far outweighed the challenges. I now weigh 63kgs 😁

From 90+ to 63kgs one step at a time :Photo credits Pitchakorn Kumuang

If you were to plan a heist to rob the Thai Lottery safe, who would be in your crew?

Hmmmm… I’ll have to think about this a little. I’d pick three people to join my team.

I’d need a fast driver and one that can also do heavy lifting, so Dominic Toretto of Fast and Furious, would be my first pick.

Once we are inside, I’d need someone witty and able to crack the safe, and I can’t think of anyone better than Joker (The Dark Knight), played by Heath Ledger of course, who else?

Last but not least, Agent Hobbs (better known as The Rock) would be the teams muscle to help move the cash and clear any obstacles we may encounter!

What is your favourite quote?

Ahhhh… ok, give me a minute … [15 silent minutes go by]

I got it, I got it …. “Wearing a mask is your duty, caring for you is mine, would you like anything else with your order?” 😂

Not a question, but an open mic for anything you’d like to say or express to friends, family or the community?

I don’t have any particular message to share but I would just like to say treat others like you’d have them treat you. Everyone must learn to crawl, before they can walk and then run. Keep an open mind to learn new things, gain new experiences, appreciate life and … hang on where was I?

Oh yes “It’s never too late to put on your running shoes and start today”

Am I making sense? 😜



Harry Vowell

Co-Founder of Basecamp Trail Provision & Cafe. Humanitarian and passionate about all things outdoors, coffee, dogs and riding.